
Chapter 1012

Chapter 1012 Interview “Are you ready, Mr. Lee? We should begin.” Sherry was professional, diving straight into work mode the moment the producer kept the cameras rolling.

She said with a smile, “Today, we have invited the CEO of Hudson Investment Firm, Mr. Kaze Lee. Please say hello to the cameras, Mr. Lee.” “Hello, everybody. I am Kaze Lee.” Kaze waved at the cameras.

Sherry said, “As everybody knows, the role of a CEO is very demanding.

Experience is one of the essential requirements major corporations look

at before hiring a CEO.

“But after reviewing your resume, we discovered something rather strange.

“Mr. Lee, you had no experience in investment before you took up the position as Hudson Investment Firm's CEO.

“po our knowledge, you have been living off your wife's family. Is that true?” Sherry looked at Kaze and asked with a smile, “Tam curious. How did you go from an unemployed house-husband to the CEO of a well-established investment firm?” “The questions seem a little too personal. Are they related to the interview today?” Kaze asked with a


He knew the woman would be up tono | good. However, he did not expect her to get right to it during the recording of the interview. She was clearly out to get him.

Sherry responded with a grin, “That's where you are wrong, Mr. Lee. Our viewers are very interested in the story of those who build the company rather than the business itself.

“In my opinion, your story of success is more intriguing than anything else.

“It helps a lot with the publicity.” standing behind the cameras, Lilith and the crew nodded in approval.

Kaze glanced at Sherry. She gave quite a convincing reason. En

“Fine. I'll be straight with you. I am the son-in-law of the Quints.

“I became the CEO of Hudson Investment Firm because of my wife's best friend,” Kaze said bluntly.

He wanted to see what the woman was up to.

“So your wife is Darcy, the chairwoman of Quartet Group and Sky Ocean Corporation, right?” “That’s right.” «you are not held in high regard in your wife's family. I believe your mother-in-law must be hoping that you and your wife will divorce.” “That’s right.” Sherry asked, “I heard that you're close to Winnie, the CEO of Shangrila

Group. Her deceased husband, James White, was a good friend of yours, right?” Though his brows were furrowed, Kaze nodded. “That’s right.” “So you did nothing to earn the job title you have now. You have your wife and your deceased friend to thank for.

“If you did not cross paths with these people in your life, you will likely remain a loser for the rest of your life.

«It’s said that you are unfaithful to your wife. Is it true that you are more than friends with Winnie, the CEO of Shangrila Group?” Sherry’s questions in the beginning were a tad personal, but the

subsequent conversation was just a personal attack.

The crew was stunned. This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

They did not even know about Kaze’s personal business. Yet, Sherry had insight into his life.

Kaze faced Sherry’s questioning with patience.

The woman was smart. Despite the personal attack, she phrased her words into questions.

If Kaze were to burst out in rage and hit her like last night, he would be labeled the troublemaker.

Hence, he turned a deaf ear to the harsh grilling.

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